Nebraska Sorghum Producers


Who We Are

The Nebraska Sorghum Producers is led by sorghum leaders from across the state. Our volunteers give of their time and talents to protect family farms and address key issues facing rural America. We are also involved in our communities, promoting special projects and initiatives that make all of our lives better. Members of the Nebraska Sorghum Producers truly stand out in a crowd. Consider joining today!

NeSPA District Map

Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors

Sorghum Cares

Preserving our Heritage. Building our Future.

The Nebraska Sorghum Producers (NeSPA) is the legislative and policy voice for sorghum growers. NeSPA also recognizes our social and civic responsibility to serve those whom have served America with bravery and valor. We are dedicated to preserving the stories of Nebraska veterans and Gold Star Families in the Veterans History Project Archives at the Library of Congress.

Contact us to become a volunteer interviewer, or to have your story recorded.

Click here to learn more about the Veterans History Project at the Library of Congress.

Let’s Engage!

In Person: 245 Fallbrook Blvd, Suite 205, Lincoln, NE 68521
Online: Become a member – click here to join
Drop us a line:
