2021-2022 Nebraska Sorghum Producers Policy Resolutions

  1. Support Free trade Agreements Between the United States of America and all Trading Partners.
  2. Support the Modernization of County T-Yields by the Risk Management Agency (RMA) to Reflect Modern Grain Sorghum Yields.
  3. Support Infrastructure Funding for the Purpose of Incentivizing the Location of Value-Added Processing for Agricultural Products in Areas Proximate to the Production of Crops
  4. “The Decade of Ag Initiative”

“Whereas the United States Farmers and Ranchers in Action (USFRA) have recognized the importance of conservation in agriculture,

AND Whereas the USFRA Decade of Ag campaign shares ideals in common with the Nebraska Sorghum Producers in regard to “a resilient, restorative, economically viable and climate-smart agricultural system that produces abundant and nutritious food, natural fiber and clean energy for a sustainable, vibrant and prosperous America,

AND Whereas the Nebraska Sorghum Producers believes that the American farmer is the original, best, and most efficient voice for conservation as the livelihood, heritage, and legacy of farmers necessarily depends upon proper stewardship and conservation of land, soil, water, and animals,

AND Whereas the Nebraska Sorghum Producers believes firmly that agricultural voices must be present when environmental and sustainability policy are developed which will impact agriculture positively or negatively, the Nebraska Sorghum Producers hereby resolves to formally support and join the USFRA Decade of Ag.”

  1. “30 X 30” or “The America the Beautiful” Initiative

“Whereas the Administration has proposed the perpetual voluntary conservation of 30% of all land in the United States by 2030, (an area totaling nine states of Nebraska or two states of Texas)

AND Whereas no transparent plan to achieve this goal has been presented by the Department of the Interior, USDA, or the Office of the President of the United States,

AND Whereas previous voluntary conservation plans have historically been temporary and renewable and have only achieved 12% of land placed in conservation since 1985,

AND Whereas new Conservation Reserve Program contracts have been reported to include lands placed in conservation in perpetuity and reevaluation and reinstatement of previously disregarded, agriculturally disadvantageous, reexamination of regulations such as the Waters of the United States has been ordered by the Executive, the Nebraska Sorghum Producers hereby resolves to oppose:”

  1. Any policy or contract which places land in perpetual conservation as a violation of private property ownership and freedoms
  2. Farm payments dependent upon mandatory conservation practices as prescribed by Executive Branch Agencies
  3. The reinstatement of the harmful Waters of the United States policy which was widely shown to be an abusive overreach of federal control of non-navigable bodies of water such as wetlands, ditches, landlocked lakes, and irrigation ponds under the Clean Water Act of 1972 by defining said bodies of water as navigable despite the inability of said bodies of water to support shipping or navigation by boat to rivers and oceans
  4. Any attempt to leverage control of privately held lands under the auspices of Executive Branch agency policy or Executive Order not voted on and approved by Congress to include policies directed by the EPA, USDA, IRS, and Department of Interior