What We Do

Education, research, and markets development are keys to growing the industry. At Nebraska Sorghum we innovatively lead the way in our approaches to advancing value-added opportunities for our healthy, regenerative, and profitable ancient grain.

Producer and Consumer Education

Education is the cornerstone of Nebraska Sorghum. We assist producers with planting and management decisions that increase on-farm profitability and demonstrating the value of sorghum-based products in their everyday lives. Check out our constantly updated, on-demand library of digital resources for growers. Nebraska Sorghum is also available for student and community group educational events! To schedule a time, email: sorghum.board@nebraska.gov. Or, catch us at the Nebraska State Fair, the Annual Sorghum Symposium, Husker Harvest Days, and other numerous events around the state!

Markets Development

High-value markets are important for the bottom line of any farm operation. At Nebraska Sorghum, we work to develop both international and domestic markets for value-added sorghum-based products. We believe that Nebraska growers can benefit from international commodity trading while also leveraging the American market by promoting our state as an ideal place to locate sorghum processing for in-demand consumer products. That’s why we frequently seek out existing entrepreneurs while also working with in-state partners to develop our own home-grown business leaders of tomorrow.

Support for Research

If you’re not moving forward, you’re moving backward. Nebraska Sorghum supports the development of new cropping technologies and uses for sorghum by lifting up and providing funding for industry-leading researchers. From the University of Nebraska to the USDA Ag Research Service, we’re proud to boast partnerships with some of the nation’s brightest minds in the field.