Who We Are


The Nebraska Grain Sorghum Board

The Nebraska Grain Sorghum Board (NGSB) exists to serve sorghum growers from the Missouri River to the Wyoming border, and South Dakota to Kansas. We are constantly collaborating with producers, industry partners, public and private-sector organizations to maximize opportunities for hard-working Nebraska farmers. Let us know how we can best serve you!

NeSPA District Map
Nebraska Sorghum Producers logo

The Nebraska Sorghum Producers

The Nebraska Sorghum Producers (NeSPA) is your legislative voice in Lincoln and Washington D.C. We serve as a liaison between the farm and the legislative chamber on the issues that matter to you. By joining the National Sorghum Producers Association, you automatically become a member of NeSPA.

NeSPA District Map

Meet The Team

Scott Nelson

Scott Nelson

My wife Amy and I have three children Sam, Britta, and Luke. We enjoy all that rural living has to offer and taking advantage of the outdoors and traveling. We farm in the Axtell, Wilcox, Hildreth, and Keene area, of south central Nebraska. We raise corn, seed corn, soybeans, and grain sorghum. We live on the yard where my great, great grandfather built his first house in America in 1900, adjacent to the farm that his father homesteaded in 1878. Currently, I’m serving on Nebraska Farm Bureau Federation’s State Legislative Policy Committee. I am also a current member of the Nebraska Grain Sorghum Board and serve on my church’s council. My wife Amy works for Fusion Medial of Omaha as a travel nurse recruiter, in addition to being the leader of the family. Nothing would work without her dedication and work ethic. On our farm and in our lives, we strive to be progressive, while remaining practical with all our practices. We want to lead the way in sustainability on our farm, with practices that are proven and cost effective. That includes being at the forefront of issues that involve the information that we use and collect to farm efficiently.

Dennis Fitzke

Dennis Fitzke

Dennis Fitzke farms near Clay Center with his son. His background in both agriculture and agri-business provides a unique perspective to Nebraska Sorghum.

Dennis currently serves as the Vice-President of the Board

David Junker

David Junker

I farm in Culbertson & Palisade Nebraska.
As a farmer you have a responsibility to take care of the land. Using sorghum in my rotation helps me in that responsibility by giving me a great yield, healthy return on investment, all while using fewer resources that other crops require.

I serve on the NGSB to help promote and educate people on an under-utilized crop that could be beneficial for a lot more farms. Serving also gives me a chance to further my education, engage in discussions with top industry professionals, and make important contacts to help answer questions I can’t.

David Junker

Tyler Bose

Tyler Bose grew up on a family farm outside Arcadia, Nebraska. He graduated from Arcadia Public School in 2012 and went on to attend Southeast Community College in Milford where he attained an Associates Degree in Automotive Technology. He also served in the Nebraska National Guard for 8 years. In 2015, he married his high school sweetheart, Michelle, and in 2017 welcomed his sprinkle-loving daughter, Sydney. Two years later, little farmer Jace joined the operation. Tyler farms alongside his parents in Custer and Valley Counties where they raise corn, soybeans, sorghum, and cattle. He is currently contracted by UPS as a mechanic to work on their delivery trucks in Broken Bow and surrounding service centers. Tyler also serves on the Board of Education for Arcadia Public Schools and is a member of the Arcadia FFA Alumni.

David Junker

Stuart Hoff

Stuart is the Farm manager at Rogers Memorial Farm near Lincoln, Nebraska. His background in research and production provide valuable insights to Nebraska Sorghum.

David Junker

Chris Schaer

I farm with my brother and my dad just south of Gordon, Nebraska. We raise corn, wheat, soybeans, sunflowers, and sorghum. We are relatively new to growing sorghum as we have only been doing it for 5 years. We were one of the first in the area to raise it, so every year has been a learning year. It has been a fun crop to learn how to go and seems to be really taking off in our area as we see more every year.

I am also a pilot for Air Methods Life Flight as a fixed wing airplane pilot, I have been a pilot EMS for almost 20 years and have also flown as a commercial pilot for a charter jet company.  I work a week at my flying job and then go back and farm, so get to have the best of both worlds.

My wife is employed as medical Laboratory Scientist at the Black Hills Surgical Hospital, and we have a Golden Retriever dog named Flynn.

David Junker

Kristine Dvoracek-Jameson

Kristine Dvoracek-Jameson is the current Executive Director for the Nebraska Grain Sorghum Board and Nebraska Sorghum Producers. Kristine grew up on a small family farm in Howard County, Nebraska. After graduating from high school, she went on to attend the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. During college she interned for the Nebraska Grain Sorghum Board and US Home Mortgage. Upon graduation in May of 2022 with her degree in AgriBusiness, she started fulltime as a loan processor for US Home Mortgage. In August of 2023 she was appointed to be the Executive Director for Nebraska Sorghum. Kristine’s hobbies include talking about sorghum and spoiling her niece and nephew. Kristine and her husband Matt currently live in St. Paul, Nebraska.

For an application to join the board, or for more information, email: sorghum.board@nebraska.gov

Our Mission

The Nebraska Grain Sorghum Board serves sorghum growers by providing consumer and producer education, developing value-added markets, and supporting innovative research. NGSB is funded by the Nebraska Sorghum Checkoff and the United Sorghum Checkoff Program.

Our Vision

As an ancient grain, sorghum is a fundamental part of our shared human history. At the Nebraska Grain Sorghum Board, we focus on developing innovative markets, while also celebrating our rich history. We are writing the next chapter in sorghum; one that increases economic opportunities for Nebraska farmers and provides a healthy alternative to consumers.